Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Technology, Society and Culture-DQ

Technology, society and culture

Q This week's reading focuses on the relationship between climate change, leadership, and ethical responsibility. What is the relationship between leadership and ethical standards? How does advancements in technology complicate or simplify this relationship? Utilize at least one form of technology discussed in the reading to help illustrate your response.

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At the recent era, the climate change can be considered as one of the most important topic that needs immediate attentions of the experts, including scientist, policy makers and entrepreneurs.The climate of the earth is constantly changing from its creation. But currently, the climate change (also termed as man-made climate change) refers to the rapid change in the climate as a consequence of the unregulated use of the natural resources by the human ("What is climate change?", 2018). Now, technology has a significant impact on the climate change. On one side, advancement of the technology can be considered as on the prominent causes of the climate change. For an example, invention of the steam engine can be considered as the landmark of the technological advancement, but this invention has also significantly increased the use of the fossil fuel. A report published by NASA indicates that the carbon dioxide level has steadily increased from the last decade and it has reached to the 300 ppm in 1950 ("Climate change evidence: How do we know?", 2019).